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GRS certified charging cable
(2023/7/4 12:24:41)

Taking care of the environment is everybody’s business. 
We only have one Earth and if we don’t take care of it no one will.
An eco-friendly product is a product that is less harmful for the environment than the regular counterparts.We are proud to be one of the first in the industry to develop and actively market eco-friendly products and continue to be at the forefront of offering the best green products.ype the title here

GRS certified charging cable. GRS ensures a comprehensive green supply chain and traceability! Let you be sure that our products have a certain proportion of degradable and recycled materials, which have relatively less impact on the environment. 

We try our best to seek recyclable materials with less environmental load, such as wheat straw and recycled ABS and TPE. 
Wheat straw has become a common bioplastic now. It is a natural by-product of wheat production. This material is an excellent alternative to conventional plastics A green alternative as it is biodegradable and has a smaller carbon footprint . Let's all do our part of the planet!